Growing Zucchini, also Courgette/Marrow, Summer squash

Cucurbita pepo : Cucurbitaceae / the gourd family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
                  S S S
T                     T

(Best months for growing Zucchini in New Zealand - cool/mountain regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • Grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 21°C and 35°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 50 - 90 cm apart
  • Harvest in 6-9 weeks. Cut the fruit often to keep producing.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Corn, beans, nasturtiums, parsley, Silverbeet, Tomatoes
  • Avoid growing close to: Potatoes

Your comments and tips

11 Oct 12, Raj (Australia - temperate climate)
how to prevent zucchini starts to turn yellow/orange. wat is the problem if the fruit is not the normal shape .
24 Jan 12, David (New Zealand - temperate climate)
No Zucchini flowers cause the rot as they absorb water. As soon as the zucchini starts to develop [3- 5cm] the flower needs to be plucked off to prevent rot. The same can be said for pumpkin, kumu kumu and butternut. Many more fruit will reach fruition especially with lots of manure to feed the soil nutrient sapping plants
23 Jul 11, sartaz (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
how can i fix a broken zuchini stem. does anything work for it or i have to put it in the bin.
02 Dec 09, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Claire and Adam, The flower heads will drop off pollinated zucchini . Small zucchini rot because they are not pollinated. See earlier answers for info about hand pollination.
09 Feb 09, Christine Walker (New Zealand - temperate climate)
I have grown courgettes/ zuchinnis for a few years now and have never had a problem, but a freind of mine who has a farm out of town has just this year decided to grow her own vege. But she has had a problem with the above and they only grow to the size of your index finger. They are yellow and some die off, is this a plant species or is it something that she isnt doing. She assures me that they are getting plenty of water. The fruit looks healthy enough but is just really small Hope to hear from you very soon Cheers Christine
29 Jan 18, David Ching (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Try adding a good dose of lime
30 Jan 09, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Chrystal, I think you will find possible answers to your problem amongst the previous comments.
10 Jan 09, hagges (New Zealand - temperate climate)
hi i grow a lot zucchini and mine to started to rot on vine so i increased calcuim nitrate to the plant and this fixed my problem (i make my own food hydroponic) hopw this helps
12 Nov 08, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Billie, check behind the flowers. The ones with a miniature fruit are female. You can use pollen from the others. If all the flower stems are straight, you have male flowers only. That seems to happen when the weather is a bit cool as the plants start flowering.
11 Nov 08, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Billie, and Bridget, your zucchini are dropping off because they are not pollinated. You can help pollination with a soft paintbrush if there are not many insects around.
Showing 51 - 60 of 61 comments

I agree with John. For powdery mildew prevention and control I use a brew of 3tablespoons of baking (bicarb) soda, 1/2 teaspoon non detergent dish soap to 6litre of water. The soda changes the ph and destroys the spores, soap acts as sticking agent. MUST test spay, leave 24-48hrs observe for chemical damage. May need less soda. Do not add anything to brew like fertiliser or neem oil, as this will change the ph and the brew will either become ineffective or cause damage. When ok with mix, spray everything (plant, container, soil, stakes etc) all over. Give sprayer a good shake prior and during application. Don't pour leftover brew into soil - ph change can cause growth problems of young plants. I do this weekly from planting out regardless of need; this minimises powdery mildew starting up. My cucs, courgettes and toms get this treatment but the amount of soda required may vary. I keep a note of the brew(s) and results for future reference. Best done in the evening so it has time to do its thing overnight without the risk of sunburn. Make a fresh batch of brew for each spray session. Remove some additional leaves to enable good ventilation throughout plant. What variety of triphid are you growing?

- Karen

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