Growing Yacon, also Sunroot

Smallanthus sonchifolius : Asteraceae / the daisy family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
                    P P

(Best months for growing Yacon in New Zealand - cool/mountain regions)

  • P = Plant tubers
  • Easy to grow. Plant sprouting root/tuber to a depth of about 4cm and mulch to cover. Best planted at soil temperatures between 50°F and 77°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 39 inches apart
  • Harvest in approximately 25 weeks. You can collect a few at a time without digging out the whole plant..
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Best in separate bed

Your comments and tips

30 Apr 17, Diann Collison (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi I live in Adelaide. Does anyone grow them here successfully?
16 Dec 19, John (Australia - temperate climate)
I grow them successfully in Christie's Beach. We experienced a very rare frost this year which knocked the leaves around but the plants all survived and are now looking great.
02 May 17, John (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
I haven't but I see no reason why you couln't.
29 Apr 17, Angie (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi Where can I purchase the yacon plant? I live in Canberra Thanks Angie
30 Apr 17, Sean (Australia - temperate climate)
Green Harvest and Diggers advertise it on line. I also noted that there is a few people who have it advertised on Gumtree.
29 Apr 17, Fouad (Australia - temperate climate)
Where can I buy yacon seeds or bulbs
30 Apr 17, Sean (Australia - temperate climate)
Diggers and Green Harvest list it online. Doubtless there are others. A number of sellers have it listed on Gumtree.
27 Mar 17, Jeanne Prinsloo (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Where can I buy yacon to plant? Jeanne
30 Mar 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
I would try - They do not list it but may know who would have it. All the best in your search. Maybe a South African gardener will read these pages and help.
28 Feb 17, caroline (South Africa - Dry summer sub-tropical climate)
i have planted 3 bits of yacon, temps in the western cape in the high 20 s, have planted them in containers as they are sprouting, will hope for the best! jerusalem artichokes grow well in my garden, but they are flowering now
Showing 201 - 210 of 362 comments

You can buy the tubers here.

- Liz

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