Growing Sweet Potato, also Kumara

Ipomoea batatas : Convolvulaceae / the morning glory family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in New Zealand - cool/mountain regions

  • Plant shoots or cuttings (Slips). Best planted at soil temperatures between 17°C and 35°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 40 - 60 cm apart
  • Harvest in 15-17 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Best in Separate bed

Your comments and tips

30 Nov 23, (USA - Zone 3a climate)
Too much leaf is too much nitrogen.
15 Oct 23, Angi (Canada - Zone 8a Mild Temperate climate)
Has anyone successfully grown sweet potaotes year round in a greenhouse? This year I did an experiment with one slip from an organic sweet potato, it grew, and grew in a pot and now i have tubers! I would like to try and grow these year round with lights and heat?
10 Aug 23, Frankie (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Trying to grow in my apartment.. any advice welcomed.. what kind of soil should I buy? How often should I water? I don’t get direct sunlight how long should I leave outside on my patio?
01 Jul 23, Peter (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Can you just plant a sweet potato in the ground and sprout a vine?
28 Oct 24, Geri (USA - Zone 10a climate)
No. Start sweet potatoes in a jar with water. They will sprout. Pick the rooted sprouts off and that is what you plant.
04 Jul 23, (USA - Zone 4b climate)
A slip is a piece of vine about 400-500mm long. Dig a trench 50-70mm deep. Lay the slip in the trench and cover the slip over with soil. Leave the growing tip sticking out of the soil. Strip most of the leaves off the slip - not the growing tip part. Water well for the first week or two.
02 Jul 23, (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Sweet potatoes are not planted as whole tubers like regular potatoes. Instead, they are grown from sweet potato slips, which are sprouts taken from mature sweet potatoes. Just twist off the slips, root them in water, and then plant them to grow sweet potatoes
20 May 23, Mireya (USA - Zone 7a climate)
What kind/type of sweet potato can I grow in Northern Virginia (zone 7A)?
01 Jun 23, (USA - Zone 3b climate)
Probably any type.
31 May 23, JJ Penza (USA - Zone 7b climate)
I am on the Va/NC line zone 7B.I have had success growing Beauregards, Okinawas, and Covingtons, The best producers at my place were in that order.
Showing 11 - 20 of 311 comments

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