Growing Rutabaga, also Swedes

Brassica napus var.napobrassica : Brassicaceae / the mustard or cabbage family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
P P P         P P      

(Best months for growing Rutabaga in New Zealand - cool/mountain regions)

  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 7°C and 25°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 10 - 20 cm apart
  • Harvest in 10-14 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Peas, Beans, Chives
  • Avoid growing close to: Potatoes

Your comments and tips

06 Oct 14, Chris (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
When they get large they can get very fibrous and tough - good cattle feed, but not so good for the rest of us.
20 Sep 10, Pam, Western Australia-Temperate (Australia - temperate climate)
When in UK on holiday I found that swede seemed much sweeter than here. Anyone know what variety they are and if can grow or buy here (WA).
07 Mar 12, David Allison (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
A slight frost will sweeten swedes - experiment by putting a swede in your deep freeze for an hour or more (depends on the size of the swede)
08 Oct 10, Tassy Michele (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Hiya Pam, I grew up eating swede and still love it. I think the sweetness is in the cooking. Mum used to peel and dice swede and put in pot in cold water, bring to boil and pour off water (it is often a brownish colour and bitter to taste). She would then cover in cold water and sprinkle a scant teaspoon of sugar on, and simmer until cooked. Mash and add a dob of butter ....... YUM. She cooked broad beans and brussel sprouts in the same way. Swede is also very nice oven baked as you would potato wedges. Try sweet potato, carrot and parsnip the same way .... even my young boys loved veg like this. Cheers
10 Mar 10, Danny (Australia - temperate climate)
Swede is my fav! My favorite way (Which is a bit naughty) Is to peel and cut into cubes. Melt butter in a saucepan put swede in. Pop on a lid and slowly and gently cook till swede is soft. then mash with salt and lots of pepper into a delicious creamy mash.Delicious on its own in a bowl or as a dip. Also swede in a big dahl or curry is delicious also.
27 Sep 09, Jackie (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Thanks Phil and Diane, I will try both of these ideas.
02 Sep 09, Diane (New Zealand - cool/mountain climate)
Peel and slice swede into 2cm thick slices and gently fry them in a little oil until browned on both sides. Absolutely yummy as a replacement for potato.
27 Jul 09, Phil (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Mash it up and mix with carrot as you would do mashed potato. It is great with a roast. Add real butter when mashing for better results.
19 Jul 09, Jackie (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
This year is the first time I have ever grown swedes and I have a huge crop. Anyone have some good recipes? I have only ever steamed them and mashed with butter salt & pepper.
04 May 09, Tim (Australia - temperate climate)
The leaves of my swede have been drooping and shrivelling up. There looks like a grey ash on the leaves and I think it's some kind of mite. Anyone else seen this?
Showing 61 - 70 of 71 comments

I am chasing seeds or plants of a swede / turnip I've been told is called Rutabaga by the Americans and here in Australia. Every listing I find here has Rutabaga as 'Brassica napus (var.) napobrassica' whereas I'm after the one the Germans call "Steckruebe". It's botanical name is Brassica napus (var.) rapifera. Can anybody help?

- Michael Tuma

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