Growing Choko/Chayote, also Chayote squash, christophene, chouchou, mirliton

Sechium edule : Cucurbitaceae / the gourd family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in New Zealand - cool/mountain regions

  • Easy to grow. Plant whole mature fruit when one produces a shoot at one end.. Best planted at soil temperatures between 59°F and 86°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 39 inches apart
  • Harvest in 17-25 weeks. Best when fruit is light green and not more than 6 cm long.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Cucumbers

Your comments and tips

16 Nov 17, Alice (Australia - temperate climate)
Where can you get choko from to plant
20 Nov 17, Mike (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Buy one and keep it inside - when it starts spouting time to plant in the garden.
05 Nov 17, John Avery (Australia - tropical climate)
I am planting a choko and was wondering what fertiliser to use when planting it?
06 Nov 17, Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Don't fertiliser when you plant. Either mix the fertiliser in a few weeks before you plant or wait until after the plants have grown a bit before fertilizing. Just a normal veggie growing fertiliser. 10-12 N, 3-4-5 P, 10-14K.
02 Nov 17, Lianne van coller (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Where in South Africa can i purchase a vine
01 Nov 17, Tony (Australia - tropical climate)
Hi ,we have a large choko vine growing on a trellis with a passion fruit vine .The plant gets covered in flowers but very little fruit It has only produced about 6 small deformed fruit so far.The plant is arround 1 year old in well drained soil that gets plenty of kitchen scraps for mulch as well as getting a dose of bokashi now and then.Is there a particular fertalizer to use to set fruit on the plant.I welcome your ideas to help. tHANKS,tONY..
03 Nov 17, Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Stop putting the scraps there. Probably too much N. Leaf growth and little fruit. When it flowers cut out the N and give it some K. Consider pulling out the passion fruit also. Or transplant it some where else.
26 Aug 17, Cathie (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
My choko vine is healthy and gets flowers no fruit forms we have native bees live between Yeppoon and Rockhampton given potash, composted manure is it lacking something and what Ph they like
28 Aug 17, Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
The notes here say plant Oct-Nov. Maybe yours is a bit out of season. We have had a very mild Winter. Don't go too hard with the potash - maybe only put potash on when it has flowered and fruit has set. Google about growing it - it needs warm weather to grow.
28 Aug 17, Darren (Australia - temperate climate)
Despite your vine having flowers, how old is it? On this site, it states that chokoes need a long growing season of 4 to 6 months.
Showing 131 - 140 of 270 comments

My choko is growing like crazy, planted in May 2022 but still no flowers or fruit. When will it start flowering?

- Rianna Rothman

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