Growing Broad Beans, also Fava bean

Vicia faba : Fabaceae / the pea or legume family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
      P P     P P      

(Best months for growing Broad Beans in New Zealand - cool/mountain regions)

  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 43°F and 75°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 6 - 10 inches apart
  • Harvest in 12-22 weeks. Pick frequently to encourage more pods.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Dill, Potatoes

Your comments and tips

03 May 13, Craig (Australia - temperate climate)
I'm in Geelong and I plant them in March/April. For support, I plant in a block to assist with support; then I stake around the block and wrap the string around the perimeter of the stakes. They are very easy to grow and with minimal maintenance and fertiliser needs(seasol every 3 weeks). Pick out the flowering tips to direct the growing energy into the bean pods. My favourite variety is Aquadulce, which I find produces a hefty crop of beans.
16 Apr 13, Peter (Australia - temperate climate)
When do I must cut the top of the plant,(chip) I was told after the pods are about 7-10 cm, is that O/K thanks for your reply Peter
30 Apr 13, Sustainable Jill (Australia - temperate climate)
It depends on how many plants you have & how many beans you need. Some people recommend pinching out the growing tips when they are about 10-15cm long to encourage more stems, but you don't have to cut the top out of broad beans - I don't and I usually get plenty of beans. If broad beans are growing in a very windy spot, pinching out the tips of taller plants would stop them getting taller and less likely to be blown over...other people like to give them support...I do neither and my broad beans do fine (even in a windy spot).
22 Jul 13, (Australia - temperate climate)
And steam and eat the tops if you pinch them off - delicious!
15 Apr 13, Tina (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Do broad beans need any support? I've never grown them before.
20 Apr 13, JIM (Australia - temperate climate)
only if they are in a windy position if they are planted close together they will support each other
24 Apr 13, Steve (Australia - temperate climate)
I plant mine in double rows i.e. 2rows 10cm apart then 30cm away from the next double row, then stake the 4 corners of the row and run a string line about 30cm off the ground so they dont fall down this keeps them tidy and allows air movement between the rows.
13 Apr 13, Martin (Australia - temperate climate)
Are broad beans ok to grow with tomatoes.?
25 Apr 13, Steve (Australia - temperate climate)
I would say, yes if you look at the compatibility it shows potatoes which is in the same family as tomatoes
17 May 13, Chris (Australia - temperate climate)
You are generally growing broad beans and tomatoes in different seasons so it isn't an issue.
Showing 161 - 170 of 344 comments

The kill temperature for Fava Beans ranges from about -4c to -10c depending on the variety. Furthermore the temperature needs to be sustained; that is 2 minutes at -4c will not kill the fava bean plant; neither will an hour (most likely).... but 48 hours of temperatures consistently below -4c might. When the cold temperature is sustained the cells of the plant explode (freeze); it is the "water transportation system" that gets damaged and the plant can't continue. If you are expecting colder than average temperatures (or colder than you expect your fava beans to be able to handle) - you can cover them with plastic (clear if your keeping it on - anything if you are just putting it on top of them overnight). Tent style is best, but umbrella style (no sides) is also helpful. The most difficult time for the plants is usually around 4am when the "dew" settles, if during cold temp days you can get the plants covered overnight not only will the soil help keep them warm, you are keeping that cold morning sweat off them which can really do considerable damage if temps are cold. Also, high winds work like the morning dew; transporting the cold temperatures into the plant more readily.

- Celeste Archer

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