Growing Pak Choy, also Pak choi

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05 Jan 14 Phil Blayden (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Planted seeds approx. 5 weeks ago they came up within 3 days. I have thinned the crop out as suggested and now the plants are going to seed. I have tried cutting back the seed heads but it does not help the plant still want to go to seed. They not developing the way that I thought they would. Have you any suggestions.
08 Mar 14 Shelley (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Phil, once they start seeding they will continue. Although you should be able to harvest up to ten weeks, the plant is actually mature in six weeks. How much fertilizer did you use. Compost is the best solution for them, the ground should remain moist, but not soggy. The ground may not go completely dry either, this may cause the plant to start seeding. Keep in mind that if you want to have this plant year round, you should sow every four to six weeks. If you harvest the leaves, seeds don't form that fast. If you plan to harvest the whole plant at once, harvest the sixth week, else the leaves become old.
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