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Pumpkin 19 Dec, Jon (Australia - temperate climate)
Re pollination ive also had success using a slim soft bristle artist paint brush to take pollen off the male flower and putting it into the female flowers, bees are also good lol but not always available or reliable
Brussels sprouts 16 Dec, Mike (USA - Zone 6a climate)
I've planted BS for a few years in spring and never got a one ! Should I planted for a fall / winter harvest
Chinese cabbage (also Wong bok, wong nga pak, napa cabbage) 14 Dec, Granny Sweet (USA - Zone 10b climate)
New to zone 10 gardening. Came from zone 5. Besides shade cloth, what's your best tip and best crop? Also what do you grow in a bright window? I'm going to try bush beans.
Chinese cabbage (also Wong bok, wong nga pak, napa cabbage) 16 Dec, Rebecca (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I came from zone 4, I thought that Gardening would be great. Boy was I stupid. I planted a pack of bush beans. Only 4 plants grew, ants took the rest, each pant had 2-3 beans and the plant died. I have tried with different amounts of sun and soils. Now I am happy with growing flowers. I do throw watermelon, or potatoe for the green, never got fruit. Racoons like fruit.
Onion 13 Dec, Gardener (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
The unions is small when it's ready to harvest
Potato 12 Dec, Mshana Kazwelonke (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
What fertilizers should I use in order to grow plus size potatoes
Celeriac 06 Dec, Sophie (Australia - temperate climate)
How do I know when my Celeriac is ready to harvest. I am in Perth
Celeriac 12 Dec, (Australia - temperate climate)
Read the harvest notes here.
Asparagus 04 Dec, Julie (USA - Zone 10a climate)
When is the best time to plant seeds in Zone 10a? Florida
Asparagus 12 Dec, (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Work out your climate zone from above and check when.
Strawberry Plants 03 Dec, ROB GRINDLEY-FERRIS (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
Artichokes (Globe) 02 Dec, Jen (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
A comment re Artichoke here in Tasmania... north of Hobart..... my Globe Artichoke shrubs>> have been growing successfully every year.... yes die down over winter but shoot again every year! and are producing a lot of Artichokes AND I let a few go to "flower" as they look stunning in a tall vase
Potato 02 Dec, Peter Button (New Zealand - temperate climate)
My Agria potatoes, planted early October, are about 1 meter high! Is this a normal growth pattern?
Potato 12 Dec, (New Zealand - cool/mountain climate)
Sounds like you used too much nitrogen,
Rhubarb 01 Dec, Clayton Blackburn (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Hello. Is there a southern variety that will do well in 7b
Onion 01 Dec, Henning Kriel (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
I love in Paarl western cape.i plant onion bulbs and they did start to grow but the leaves keeps are between 15 and 20 centimeters long and keep bending and lying on the soil.could you lease assist me on this matter
Onion 18 Dec, Celeste Archer (Canada - Zone 6a Temperate Warm Summer climate)
(FROM THE NET) Manganese and zinc deficiencies are the most common ONION problem that causes tops to prematurely bend over OR become disfigured....Tops falling over prior to the bulb reaching maturity can result in decreased yields Young plants are particularly sensitive to Zn deficiency..... Problems are more common on high pH or calcareous soils or during cold, wet weather.... I suggested adding poultry manure (chicken manure) -- poultry manure tends to be high in Zinc, in a well balanced way. .Zinc also exits naturally in rocks. The amount of zinc present in the soil depends on the parent materials of that soil. Sandy and highly leached acid soils generally have low plant available zinc. Cool soil temperatures in early spring can intensify the need for zinc. Root growth is also stunted by cool temperatures and reduces the plant’s ability to find new sources of zinc in the soil profile. Also note: -onions and other alliums need more phosphorus and potassium than most other vegetables. They also need more copper, manganese, zinc, and molybdenum. Also please be aware that : There is a known relationship between phosphorus and zinc in the soil. Excessive application of phosphate fertilizers can caused zinc deficiencies. A phosphorus-induced zinc deficiency is a concern and may occur only if very high rates of phosphate fertilizer (more than 200 lb P2O5/acre) are used and the soil has zinc levels is in the range between Low and Very Low.
Capsicum (also Bell peppers, Sweet peppers) 01 Dec, Norman (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Can capsicum, eggplant, etc. be grown from seedlings transplanted into (large-ish) pots? Best soil? Will Potting mix be suitable? I am about 50 k NNW of Brisbane as the crow flies. Many thanks.
Capsicum (also Bell peppers, Sweet peppers) 06 Dec, (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
The bigger the pot the better. Mix some compost or good rich soil into the potting mix. Water regularly and you probably have to fertilise each couple of weeks. Also stake them.
Tomato 28 Nov, Miss Fortune (New Zealand - cool/mountain climate)
Hi everyone, wondering if it is too late to sow tomatoes?
Tomato 02 Dec, (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
PLANT SEED OR SEEDLINGS. The information is here if you look for it.
Dill 28 Nov, (Australia - tropical climate)
I live in maroochydore near the sea. Where and when is the best time to plant. Gloria Munzone
Asparagus 26 Nov, Vanessa Haines (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I planted asparagus seeds when my asparagus had seeds. They are now 8 inches tall, in a seeding tray outside, starting to yellow. Wondering if I dare plant them in a raised bed with full sun. The soils is fairly sandy. In the spring I had planted celery and one artichoke that has fully died off during the summer heat in metropolitan phoenix az area. Thank you for the advice ahead of time. My other option is maybe in the garage or patio with a grow light and heat lamp?
Asparagus 02 Dec, (USA - Zone 5b climate)
If yellowing, maybe give some fertiliser. Sandy soils dry quick so water more often. They grow a lot better in the ground but you need to look after them really well.
Garlic 24 Nov, Jeff J (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Can I plant garlic as late as the end of November or is that too late to allow it to overwinter?
Horseradish 24 Nov, Debra Kammueller (USA - Zone 4b climate)
Can I plant dried horseradish roots in Nov now or in Spring?
Sweet Potato (also Kumara) 24 Nov, Maree (Australia - tropical climate)
Can you sprout sweet potato seedlings from shop bought sweet potatoes?
Sweet Potato (also Kumara) 02 Dec, (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Potato 24 Nov, Maree (Australia - tropical climate)
I live in tropical North Australia. I’ve planted some kiffler potatoes that I sprouted into some grow bags as an experiment to see if I could grow them here. The plants have taken off. When should I harvest them?
Potato 02 Dec, (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
The plant will start to die in about 4 months' time Pick them then. Read the notes here.
Showing 1 - 30 of 19950 comments
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