Growing Zucchini, also Courgette/Marrow, Summer squash

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16 Dec 17 Nikki (New Zealand - temperate climate)
I am having trouble with my courgette. It starts off green and healthy, then the end gradually turns yellow which spreads up the the vegetable then it goes soft and shrivels up and dies. Do you know what's wrong? Thanks
30 Dec 17 Kay Rooderkirk (New Zealand - temperate climate)
We are having the same problem with out courgettes, I have green and yellow planted. We are in the Wairarapa, they have been grown in the same ground with NO problem. They have been watered with liquid horse manure, planted in soil enriched with mushroom compost. The new leaves seem to be Ok at the moment. The air temperature has been hot and cold. Thank You
05 Feb 18 Quarteracre Kiwi (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Some of my zucchinis used to do this too. I find if they grow on the ground they are more susceptible to this, so I lay pea straw around the base of my zuccs, and under where the growing fruit lies. This has helped. Another thing that helps is not watering the plant from above, but only watering at the base, so I have drippers on mine. My best zuccs this year are in a planter box, and they hang over the side. I have propped the plant up, so the fruits hang down in mid air. They are doing great and I haven't had any rotten ones grow on this plant at all. Another thing to consider is whether they are unfertilised ones that grow a bit and then die. Pumpkins do this. Make sure the flowers are accessible to bees, and I wonder if that's why my propped up one is doing the best of all.
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