Growing Watermelon

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08 Feb 17 Hermann Jacques Keyser (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
I planted seeds about September 2016, and we live in Mpumalanga , Witbank. The first melons are forming, we have had good rain fall this year, I am just starting out farming, and am proud to say to see that all my crops of all types of vegetables have bared fruit and vegetables in such a short time. I am planning to do a larger quantity and the water outside our place never dries up, what do I do to improve my crops. I hope that my request will get help with regards to the water issue, water lies daily on the surface, we are not sure if there is a bore hole. Thank you Hermann Jacques Keyser.
09 Feb 17 John (Australia - temperate climate)
It is great to see your enthusiasm for growing food. The four needs of all living things are Sunshine, Food, Water and Care. Sunshine is free so we need to provide the other three. Adding old manure in the Autumn, providing consistent water and mulching in the summer to conserve water and help control weeds will all help produce good crops. The other things are - planting the right variety for the time of the year and removing weeds which use the food and water in the soil. If you look up the Dept of Agriculture or Primary Industries in the internet they will have people or Information Sheets thet will help. All the best with your plans.
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