Growing Sweet corn, also corn,maize

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14 Feb 22 Julia (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Hello I planted corn glass gem and because I had a few gaps in the plot I planted about half again with sweet corn. It has been 15 weeks since planting on 25oct and they are tall but the cobs and not cobbing very much. They seem immature. Is this perhaps as I planted the two types?
04 Mar 22 guggerlugs (New Zealand - temperate climate)
When I plant sweetcorn seed I usually plant a few more than needed if you have failures they are readily transplanted then you can fill the gaps, if they all germinate if you leave a bit of space at the edges you can shift them there.Don't plant too many but plant batches about 4 weeks apart if you have the space then you won't get over run with corn my third crop is just forming tassles now as we finish the last few cobs.
22 Feb 22 Anonymous (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
Did you over plant the plot? Corn needs to be spaced as the directions say and it needs to be well watered and fertilised. Plants that germinate later than some can be left behind and not grow well, small thin weak.
17 Feb 22 Celeste Archer (Canada - Zone 7b Mild Temperate climate)
I'm not certain - but when I read your post the first thing that came to mind was a Boron deficiency -- corn likes boron the same way that sunflowers like boron. From the net a study of corn and boron results: It was concluded that: (1) a lack of boron can cause blank stalks and barren ears; (2), the supply of available boron must be continuous; and (3), the critical level of boron in the upper leaves appears to be in between 11 to 13 ppm. I suspect you can apply boron the same way you would to sunflowers (though I am not certain)-- from the net for sunflowers: When the plants are 30cm (12) tall, dissolve 5ml (1 tsp) of borax (for boron) in 350 ml (12 fl oz) of water and spread the solution over 5m (15′) of row. Be careful not to over-apply this solution.
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