Growing Sweet corn, also corn,maize

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21 Jul 19 Barbara (Australia - tropical climate)
Can you tell me what the best variety of sweet corn is for the tropics, and is it too late in the year to plant it here (Darwin NT)? It is currently our Dry Season - ie no rain at all. Thank you.
15 Aug 19 Linda (Australia - tropical climate)
I have just bought seeds from Eden seeds for Bali corn, which is suited to tropics and will give two cobs per plant. I haven't planted yet, tho that is why I'm looking a t comments for any hints.
22 Jul 19 (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
You can plant it any month except Dec. Try Sweet Corn Bi- Colour from BOONDIE SEEDS on the internet. I usually buy several packets at a time. Plant several rows 2.5' apart. When plants are 18 (?)
31 Jul 19 (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
When the plants are 40cm high run a thin line of fertiliser down each side of the plants and then hill the soil up around the plants. This will give the plant better anchorage to the ground and produce a good strong plant.
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