Growing Strawberry Plants

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28 Apr 18 Ann (Australia - temperate climate)
I have a compost bin. It is full of slaters working away. When I use my compost it appears that the Slaters eat the fruit. They also like to hide under mulch. Any suggestions to deal with the slaters?
03 May 18 Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
From Gardening Australia. "Growing strawberries in pots or growing melons over structures keeps the plants and fruit off the ground and reduces the likelihood of slater damage. When sowing seed keep mulch well clear of the furrow as slaters don't like venturing far from cover. Make traps from hollowed out orange halves or seedling punnets filled with potato peelings, to distract slaters from seedlings, and germinating seeds. When it comes to seedlings, try plant collars (old pots with the bottom chopped out) for the first couple of weeks, or pot on seedlings to establish them before planting out. Once the stems become tougher, they're less attractive to slaters. Iron chelate based snail pellets are also effective against slaters and, as they break down, they release iron to feed the plants. They're safer than traditional snail pellets for use around pets, children and wildlife but they should be stored and used with caution and common sense. In larger gardens, rotating chooks over vegie beds in between crops is a great way to clear up infestation and provide your birds with protein".
01 May 18 Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Don't put the compost around the strawberries. Use another fertiliser (manures etc) and put fresh mulch (fine grass clippings) around your plants.
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