Growing Silverbeet, also Swiss Chard or Mangold

View the Silverbeet page

15 Apr 21 Jane (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Absolutely agree: a rose is a rose with different needs. Admittedly, fruit trees are said to be compatible as is lavender but I'll be leaving that alone. Thnx.
24 Apr 21 (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Just my thoughts and experience but when planting 2 or more things together, they will rob each other of fertiliser, water and even sunlight. At a given time you may need N for the silver beet but P or K for the fruit tree etc. Some people do it but I would say their crops aren't the best. I have two examples in the garden now, tall tomato plants stealing the sunlight of corn next to it and sun flowers have done the same to other corn. Tomatoes and sun flowers have grown faster and taller than the corn. I should have know better.
26 Jun 21 Jane (Australia - tropical climate)
Better late than never? Thanks for this. I hope yr plants are getting plenty if sun ' n fresh air!! I think I might plant too close. Hope not.
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