Growing Rocket, also Arugula/Rucola

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14 Jan 12 Kent (Australia - tropical climate)
I planted mine in October here in South Africa, our climate is very similar to Australia tropics. They were great for the first 2 months, they were ready for constant picking after week 2, we had rocket every day. (We planted 2 square meters, crowded) When summer started to kick in mid December they rapidly began to flower, we found some eggs on the leaves, which we washed off before eating. The leaves became stronger as it aged, at 2 months it became a little too spicy and strong for me. A week later we found caterpillars all over the leaves, we left them there, we're hoping that when they metamorph into butterflies they will move elsewhere. If the rocket dies, I won't be too worried, there are bound to be seeds waiting to be revived. The seeds are easy enough to propagate anyway. As soon as the weather cools down a bit, I will replant them, they grow rapidly and are 99% more economical and at least 50% tastier than store bought, even with their short lifespan taken into consideration.
23 Feb 12 Michael (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi Kent Caterpillars morph into butterflies or moths, who in turn will mate and lay many eggs. They don't move away!! So by allowing the caterpillars to mature you are allowing the next population of caterpillars to increase, and they do so exponentially. Regards Mike
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