Growing Rhubarb

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06 May 20 Jane Trembath (Australia - temperate climate)
My rhubarb looks terrible The leaves have holes and brown patches. Also the stalks have become woody and thin. Can you give me some advice about how to treat the plant? Regards Jane
27 May 20 Claudia (Australia - temperate climate)
I had the same problem with my rhubarb. It never thrived. For 3 years, it was in a spot that received western sun and full shade in winter. The soil wad always dry, and I had to keep the water up. I moved it into a north east facing raised bed full of rich soil and mulched thickly. Did this about 6 weeks ago, and it has already doubled in size. The leaves are bigger, greener and lush. The stalks are also thick and crisp! We're coming into winter now, so your rhubarb might take a little longer to recover. Give it a good drink of seaweed at transplant. I also soak my mulch in seaweed solution before mulching. As for the holes in the leaves, that will probably be from a grub. Inspect your plant and its root ball before transplanting, so you don't bring the little muncher over too! Sometimes grubs hide in the ground. Good luck!
08 May 20 M (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I have never grown it although my mother did nearly 60 yrs ago. Holes in it would be some kind of caterpillar/grub, the brown could be leaves dying off or lack of water. Thin stalks would be lack of nutrient, maybe the same for woody stalks. Maybe time to replant it somewhere (if possible) into new rich soil and keep the water up to it and a fert feed now and again.
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