Growing Rhubarb

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23 Mar 20 gary ellard (Australia - temperate climate)
have been growing rhubarb in a 2mtr square wicking bed. Have shreddard old horse manure and placed it on top of the bed as a mulch. Before i did this , i was cultivating stalks regularly but then the leaves turned red and i lost the lot. I was led to believe rhubarb loves manure of horse. Have i done any thing wrong?
24 Mar 20 Chris (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
It might be too acid. Have you checked the soil pH?
24 Mar 20 (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Manures generally have little NPK. When you put these or other mulches in the soil, they grab all the N to break the manure down, therefore the plant has little access to N and don't grow much. In future put the manure in a pile and wet it and turn it over regularly to break it down to compost before putting it on the garden. When applying mulch over put it on about 50mm thick. Mulch 200mm thick will take a long time for water to pernitrate through to the soil.
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