Growing Lettuce

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20 Jan 20 Miles (Australia - temperate climate)
I am trying to grow lettuce in soil I have added my home compost to. All seedlings get nibbled down to nothing at night and I can't identify what is going it. I live in Perth and very keen to know what is doing it and how I can control them
21 Jan 20 anon (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Go out at night and see what is eating the seedlings. Sparrows eat my lettuce the first couple of months of the year. I have a bird trap now. They also eat the heart out of my snow peas certain times of the year. Work out how to put a border around each plant or the whole block of lettuce. Like a 90mm pipe 100mm long and put oil or grease or Vaseline on the outside. Or look up similar things on the internet for slugs, snails etc. Or build a frame and cover with shade cloth.
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