22 Apr 15 Barbara (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
I kept the rootpieces in water through winter and spring in a cold glasshouse and they were rooting and making leaves. In Nov. or Dec. I planted them in a deep bucket and they are growing beautifully. I'll harvest after the first frost, if anybody wants pieces, pls contact me [email protected]. I'm in Elsburg, Germiston,Gauteng.
27 Jun 19 Consuela Beitz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Hi Barbara...obviously it's me, Connie, and I'm in DUS and actually I've got a horseradish plant and it's a 1st for me...so help...I'd love to hear from you!!!
06 Jul 15 Zanoedean Amod (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
Hi Barbara , I am interested in roopieces of horseradish my name is Zanoedean Amod I live in Lenasia (south of Johannessburg , I am interested in rootpieces of horseradish 0722767153 whatsapp or messaging or e-mail [email protected]
02 May 15 magda (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
Goodday Barbara
I believe you can help.We stay in Koffiefontein in betwee n BLOEMFONTEIN and KIMBERLEY. We have looked everywhere and queried about the root pieces without success, now I've found your address on the internet, regarding the horseradish. we so in need of a rootpiece, we will be happy to pay the postage if you can post it or how can we get a root from you? my contact nr' s 0723564968 or at work 053-2051301. (won't be at work next week, going to a funeral) Can you pse contact me so that we can arrange something, or do you know somebody nearby who can help me?
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