Growing Cucumber

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17 Apr 18 Merinda (Australia - temperate climate)
I am getting lots of flowers on my plant and they are turning into fruit, but die at about 2cm, why? How do I get more fruit, I only got 1 cucumber that grew to 10cm
18 Apr 18 John Macmahon (Australia - temperate climate)
This may be a bit late for this year but my best suggestion is that after one or two fruit (cucumbers) on each runner have set, pinch off the end of the runner. This means the plant puts its resources into the fruit instead of growing a longer runner. Cheers Arismac
18 Apr 18 Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
The flower with no fruit is a male flower. The flower with a small cue is the female flower - if it is not pollinated then it dies. You probably no bees (or more like very few of them) in your area. You might have to hand pollinate each day. Or plant some bee attracting flowers to encourage more bees to come to your area.
19 Apr 18 Mac (Australia - temperate climate)
Plant some Basil and let it flower. Bees just love it and they will keep coming back for most of the summer and autumn. Solved my problem with all my Curcurbits (melons, cucumbers, pumpkins, etc)
22 Apr 18 Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I will try that. Over the summer I had about 20 sun jewel flowers plants in my garden, with hundreds if not thousands of flower heads - saw about two bees all summer. The bee population has taken a massive hit world wide I hear.
14 Sep 18 Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I planted borage about 4 mths ago and it has attracted a lot of bees. I recently planted some more bee attracting flowers.
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