Growing Chives, also Garden chives

Allium schoenoprasum : Amaryllidaceae / the onion family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
P P P P           P P P

(Best months for growing Chives in New Zealand - cool/mountain regions)

  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 10°C and 30°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 5 cm apart
  • Harvest in 7-11 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Carrots, Tomatoes, Parsley, Apples
  • Chive flowers (foreground)

Grass-like leaves in clumps. Likes full sun but not too dry.

Chives are a perennial but die down in winter. You can dig up a small clump to pot up for indoor use in winter.

Remove flowers to encourage a continuous supply of leaves.

If weeding gets away from you, you can easily distinguish chives from grass because chives have a hollow leaf stem and onion smell.

Culinary hints - cooking and eating Chives

Use raw in salads or as a mild onion flavour in cooked dishes.

Your comments and tips

02 Aug 13, Alan (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
My Chives are not growing well at all. they get part sun and are well drained. they have no tops. can you give a hint
13 Sep 18, Kathy Rielly (New Zealand - temperate climate)
can chives been grown in pots?
14 Sep 18, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Kathy, you can grow chives in pots. They form a clump and will last a few years if you keep cutting them.
15 Sep 18, Kathy Rielly (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Thanks Liz, put them in a pot today.
18 Apr 20, amy (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
is garlic chives grown like chives? is it too late to grow garlic chives now is mid autumn?
20 Apr 20, Roland (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I grow garlic chives all year here in Central Florida. In the cooler months I grow them in full sun. In the hotter months I grow them in partial sun. They like water and are heavy feeders. Compost well and enjoy your garlic chives.
27 Jul 22, Deb (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Thanks that info is helpful!

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