Growing Cardoon

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18 Apr 24 Kim (Canada - Zone 7a Mild Temperate climate)
Do I have to start the cardoon in a seed start before that last frost or can I buy cardoons already started at a nursery/garden center?
23 Apr 24 Celeste Archer (Canada - Zone 5a Temperate Warm Summer climate)
I find that SEEDS are much better than potted cardoons. Cardoons have really deep roots -- 5 feet or so -- the cardoon drops its root VERY early in it's growth cycle -- for this reason, I prefer to use seeds. It should be noted that Cardoon requires a uniform supply of moisture. Leaves and stalks become pithy when subjected to water stress, making them unmarketable. About 10-12 inches of water, uniformly distributed throughout its growing period may be necessary. Spineless and spiny types exist. The spineless types are preferred. Named varieties are difficult to find in U.S. seed catalogs. Often the only option is a generic cardoon with no variety mentioned. 'Tenderheart' and 'Gigante' can be found in some current catalogs. One may also search European catalogs. Varieties recently available included Bianco Ameliore, Italian Dwarf, Large Smooth, and White Improved. Any of the above can be considered suitable for trial in the Pacific Northwest.
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