I was having problems locating the seeds in Perth. Bunnings did not have them and my local Waldecks had never heard of Amaranth. I finally managed to buy them on ebay. The seller has a website - australianseed.com
Does anyone have any tips on how to get seeds to germinate successfully?
just throw them into the ground and walk away, this is what i did then a year later i had ample supply and have done a second time around they do self seed once they get started. I threw seeds in august and had amaranth by February. Good luck as they do look wonderful and i will try eating them soon.
Chia seeds from Kakulus Bros in William Street will grow into Amarantus- I ended up with different types according to Black, white etc Chia seeds... found out by accident when the moths got into the seed in my cupboard and I threw it into my chicken coop! Some of them reached 3m tall, careful though they are difficult to harvest and come up everywhere!
Chia does not grow into amaranth.
Beets, chard, and amaranth belong to the same family (they are not grain).
Qinoa also belongs to the Amaranthae family.
With Amaranth you need to use a seed raising mix but dont raise them in a tray they do best direct sown. Keep the soil moist until they germinate (nice sunny spot),i recommend you thin them out to 30cm spaces between plants as they grow and be prepared for them to get as tall as 8-9 feet tall if your soil is high in nitrogen.
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