Growing Tomatillo

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13 Oct 22 Douglas Cassan (Canada - Zone 5a Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Re tomatillos: I planted only one tomatillos plant (didn't realize I should have a spouse for it); fort several weeks it grew and grew but there were no indications of fruit; then the little yellow flowers started sprouting and producing fruit. I have made Salsa Verde, a delicious sweet potato/tomatillo bisque and spaghetti sauce, but I still have loads of tomatillos on my counter, in my fridge, in my freezer. This plant doesn't know how to quit. Frost is called for tonight so I suspect my plant will fall victim to winter pretty soon. My problem is that so many of the fruits were small, running from 1/2 to one inch across. Any suggestions for 2023 on how to get maybe less but larger fruit?
17 Oct 22 Anonymous (Canada - zone 4a Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Look up the internet about picking off the lateral growth. Where the leaf joins the main stem a piece of growth comes out there. Pick it off.
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