Growing Sweet Potato, also Kumara

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02 Feb 18 Geoff (Australia - tropical climate)
Does growing sweet potato deplete the soil of any particular mineral. I have grown a good crop of the sweet potato & intend to plant some sweet corn on the next full moon. Is there a particular fertiliser that’s advisable to add, prior to or as planting? I understand that all soils are different, but assuming all things are equal, is there something to add?
05 Feb 18 Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
A bit of fert in the soil now and when the plants are about 12-15
07 Feb 18 Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
When the plants are about 12-15
05 Feb 18 Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Someone recently told me sweet potatoes take a lot out of the soil - NPK and trace elements etc. A general all round fert should have about 10-14 N 3-10 P and 12-15 K with 1-2 S. You can then up grade to a fert with trace elements. I buy from a farmers fert depot. 25Kg bags cost $20-25 and $30-35 with elements in it. You can buy stuff from supermarkets or Bunnings but you pay 2-4 times the price for smaller 2-5kg bags. Or you can go the organic way with manures et.

A bit of fert in the soil now and when the plants are about 12-15

- Mike

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