Growing Sweet corn, also corn,maize

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04 Feb 21 Helen Tapper (New Zealand - temperate climate)
This is my 2nd season of growing corn, last season was very successful, this year - not so. I have planted them almost exactly in the same spot as last season. Was that the right thing to do or wrong. The other point is that we have had some pretty crazy summer temperatures, high 20's then low to mid teens. I fertilised the garden during the winter/early spring.
05 Feb 21 (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Better to plant in different spot. Corn is a big user of fertiliser and water. When preparing the soil add compost/manures if possible, Soils always need some fibre replacement each year. Then mark out your rows about 50-60cm apart, Scratch a furrow in the soil and run some fertiliser in the furrow - I use Bunnings rooster booster. Have the soil wet before starting, after planting give another watering. Don't water again for 3-4 days. Too wet seeds will rot. When plants are 45cm high run some more fert down each side of the plants and hill the soil up around the stalk. Corn pollinates for 5 days and you pick it approx 21 days later. I just picked 28 cobs last week. S
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