Growing Sweet Potato, also Kumara

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09 May 14 Joe De Ornelas (Australia - temperate climate)
Hello, I live in Perth and I've been in search of the ORANGE KUMARA, but to no luck. Does anybody know were I might be able to purchase this elusive plant?
18 Feb 16 Carol (Australia - temperate climate)
The orange one is called Beaurgard. See if you can find a supplier in WA :)
07 Apr 15 Susan Johnson (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Diggers Club (Vic) and Green Harvest (Q'ld) sell the orange sweet potato, which is quite distinct from NZ Kumera.
26 Jan 15 Peter (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Kumara are purple and lemon on the inside and taste chestnutty not like the sweet potato in Australia. When you taste a kumara it taste nothing like what some supermarkets are selling as New Zealand kumara.
07 Apr 15 Susan Johnson (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I am desperately trying to source N Z Kumera in Australia, Peter. Yes, agree - NZ kumera are nothing like the yellow or white sweet potatoes we grow in Australia. My research suggests that the NZ variety may be called 'Candy Kumera', and may have origins in the Pacific Islands. Do you know if this is correct? I assume it wouldn't be possible to import live plants to Australia these days, but am wondering if New Zealanders may have brought it here in the past, in which case there could be slmeone out there growing it.
07 Jun 15 Nins Ricci (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Send me your addess by email. I have heaps of the real NZ Kumera, purple with white flesh and spots inside. Will nail you some runners. Also in Qld. Mine growing crazy but have not yet had a harvest.
30 Apr 24 Ali (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Hello Nins, hope all is well! Do u still have Kumara runners?
26 Jun 22 Tracy M (Australia - arid climate)
Hello, would I be able to pay for some runners also? I assume they can grow in Melbourne's climate? Many thanks!!
30 Sep 21 Matthew Steele (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Hello, I have been looking everywhere for these delightful New Zealand Kumura for years. May I also ask if you would mail me some runners? Happy to pay! Many Thanks.
04 Sep 20 Rick (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi Nins, another kiwi missing his beloved kumara. I imagine you've been inundated with similar requests for runners. Happy to pay something and/or donate to Gardenate if you have plants and the time. thanks Rick
07 Nov 21 Ian (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Hi I've just stumbled across this thread to NZ kumera, by any chance did you manage to source any runners. Thanks
03 Jul 17 Jenny (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi Nins If you have any more of the nz kumara i would be most appreciative if you could share a runner or cutting. Jenny
27 May 16 Meia (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi Nins, hoping you are still perusing these pages.. i am really hoping you still have, and are willing to post on some tubers. Thanks ;)
04 Sep 15 Hamish (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi Nins, I am also very interested in real NZ Kumara if you had some spare Thanks Hamish
15 Aug 15 Elaine (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Hi Nins Might I impose on you for some of those NZ kumara runners? I have been desperately trying to find a source over here in Aust. The ones here are nothing like NZ kumara. Many thanks Lainey
07 Jul 15 Greg Morris (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Hi there, Are you still able to send runners for kumara please? If so my address is:
07 Jul 22 Paul Olsen (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi, this post is back in 2015, happy to pay, can anyone supply me with runners or small seedlings? 0414752235
28 Jun 20 Anonymous (New Zealand - cool/mountain climate)
Have you any Nz Kumura plants in Australia please I would love some thanks
18 Jun 15 Ajay Gridgeman (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I have also been looking for some real kumera (NZ) since i returned from Europe several years ago. I had some growing bfore i left. Could i be cheeky and ask for some runners also.
17 May 14 Margaret (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I just bought one from Bunnings in Queensland. First time they have had them in. Called" Sweet Potato Purple". Definitely a Kumara!! Try to get one at Bunnings over there and ask them to get them in! Good Luck.
08 Apr 15 susan johnson (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Many thanks Margaret! I must say I remain sceptical, but will definitely try Bunnings!
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