Growing Sweet Potato, also Kumara

Ipomoea batatas : Convolvulaceae / the morning glory family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in New Zealand - cool/mountain regions

  • Plant shoots or cuttings (Slips). Best planted at soil temperatures between 63°F and 95°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 16 - 24 inches apart
  • Harvest in 15-17 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Best in Separate bed

Your comments and tips

04 Mar 18, Sue Ussher (New Zealand - cool/mountain climate)
I live in Fairlie South Canterbury and want to know if I could grow Kumara here and what month should I be planting them
19 Oct 17, Allan (New Zealand - cool/mountain climate)
Do you progressively mound up Kumara like growing potatoes?
25 Sep 17, Joss Roberts (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Is it possible for Kumara to be grown in Christchurch, New Zealand.
26 Sep 17, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Kumara needs a long summer/autumn before frosts start. Your microclimate might suit it. It's probably worth a try. One kumara used to produce growing shoots would not be very expensive.
23 May 17, Annie Davis (New Zealand - temperate climate)
I am also trying to find out if there is such a thing as kumara "seeds" and where they can be found?
24 Jun 18, Richard Clough (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Annie...We simply bought a small kumara from a local supermarket, suspended it with toothpicks in a cut off coke bottle of water. When the shoots, or "slips" began to sprout (2-3wks) we then placed them in a small jam jar of water until roots began to develop, then planted out in fish bins of potting mix. We were late- late Dec & Jan, have just harvested. A lot were long & skinny, but perfect for the hot air cooker & crockpot. Some were like the shop sizes! We ended up with about 3-4 kg from a single 300g kumara (it's still growing sprouts on the laundry windowsill)! Hope this helps someone out there. Best wishes...
28 May 17, toya (New Zealand - temperate climate)
If your lucky you can find some at local garden places for tipu which you can grow out of the kumara tubers by place half of it into water.. they should grow stems/vines which you can snap off & placing those into water to help roots grow... or just cut sections of the tuber off..... but when planting them... they need that late spring early summer heat. Then harvest around now or when frosty etc...... just my 5 cents here lol
24 May 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
Australian Seeds in Western Australia list a native sweet potato - Ipomoea costata but I don't know of any suppliers of seeds of the popular varieties. They are grown from cuttings as they establish quickly and will yield in their first season. Seedlings would probably take another year.
11 May 17, Jody Waaka (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Kia ora.Im thinking of starting a kumara garden soon.Where do you buy the seed from
13 May 17, Leslie Viljoen (New Zealand - temperate climate)
I'm not an expert but if you cut a Kumara into pieces, it will grow vines from the "eyes". We have one growing like crazy - but since it's cold now I think it's going to die.
Showing 41 - 50 of 61 comments

Here is how they grow them commercially in sub tropical southern Queensland Australia. They hill the soil up with a 2' base and about 1' high - paddock looks like corrugated iron - wave pattern. They then take cuttings (called slips about 50-60cm long) of vine from a pre-existing growing plant. These are planted (in the top part of the mound) horizontally into the soil with just the tip sticking out of the soil. Keep well watered the first week or two until the plant starts growing. Good rich soil to start with and then do not fert again especially with N. You want root development not vine production. If looking for cuttings/slips/tubers ask friends/neighbours/produce companies/internet sites etc or start a tuber as stated here.

- Mike

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