Growing Strawberry Plants

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22 Mar 20 Mike (Australia - temperate climate)
What is the best PH level for strawberries?. I have two established plants that are doing well, but of three new ones planted two weeks ago, one has died and the other two are struggling. I wish to greatly expand my planting but can't until the problem is sorted out. The bed is organic with well rotted compost, worm castings and worm leachate and has a PH of 6.8 - 7.0. Any help you can provide will be well received. Regards, Mike V.
24 Mar 20 (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Check for correct ph on the internet. Generally most soils are good for most veggies around 6-7ph. Strawberries are generally planted around first two weeks of April in sub- tropical, maybe different for temperate. Generally a plant left in the ground after harvest will produce new runners over summer and into autumn. Plant one of those runners out in Feb. and it will establish and start producing runners, you want this. Leave planting until now or April. When planting anything protect it from sun and wind for the first week to help it establish. Strawberries have shallow root systems so water regularly. Don't go over board with the compost. Mulch around the plants.
24 Mar 20 Anon (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Plant one of those runners out in Feb. and it will establish and start producing runners, and new plants.
27 Mar 20 anon (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
What I was trying to say is DON'T PLANT OUT runners in FEB. Plant out runner plants from last years crop in April. You can do this for a few years (about 3) and then you should buy new strawberry plants.
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