Growing Strawberry Plants

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29 Jul 18 Jane (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Hi Mike, and all, Thanks for the drum on strawberries. All being well, I'll plant todaļy. Appreciated :)
30 Jul 18 Mike L (Australia - temperate climate)
Jane, if you are in sub tropical then you may be too late to produce a crop this year. Best time to plant sub tropical is early mid April. We are picking strawbs now. If you are going to plant now - plant a few and use the runners produced over summer/autumn for new plants next April. A few plants will produce a lot of new runners.
18 Aug 18 Jane (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Mike L - Just thinking about what your wrote. A friend gave me four strawberry plants in a punnet that she bought somewhere in town so I planted them - not knowing anything about strawberry growing or when/not to plant them etc. They look OK so far but (some other plants have lower leaves that are going yellow, no idea why, so I am guessing that)anything could happen? When you say to use the runners produced over summer/autumn for new plants next April do you mean that they will produce runners (that won't fruit) and cut them out of or pull them out of the ground and save them somehow?Or leave them in the ground to spread as they will? I ask because I also read in the strawberry article to cut the runners away and keep the mother plant (in the ground)? Is planting season in Subtropical Qld from April - Aug/Oct? If so what does one do between Aug/Oct -April the following year..? Thanks. Jane.
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