Growing Snow Peas, also Sugar Peas, Mangetout, Chinese Peas

View the Snow Peas page

06 Jun 12 (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
I have so many snow pea plants and so many flowers, but no snow peas. Why would that be?
22 Aug 12 Judith (Australia - temperate climate)
Flowers but no fruit suggests something is lacking in the soil. A good serve of Sulphate of Potash every fortnight will help. Sulphate of Potash is excellent for plants such as capsicum/ tomato/ beans/ egg plant/ zucchini. While not all plants need bees to produce fruit - a Greek Basil or two in any garden will attract a lot of bees. I potted a Greek Basil last February and it has been flowering (purple and very strong smelling) consistently in spite of some really cold days and nights. If you do get a Greek Basil, you might consider keeping it in a pot so it can be moved to where you want bees to pollinate the plants. Good luck!
29 Jun 12 Justine (Australia - temperate climate)
Its usually because of the absence of bees. At this time of year it can be a challange to get bees into the garden. Just wait a little bit longer, and you will have heaps of snow peas!
02 Sep 12 Chris (Australia - temperate climate)
Peas of all types are all self pollinating. You don't need any bees to get pods.
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