Growing Rutabaga, also Swedes

View the Rutabaga page

29 Sep 17 Daryl Pungitore (Australia - temperate climate)
How are swedes preserved? I dont really want to freeze them. Any ideas?
02 Oct 17 Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I found this on the web. I also store carrots, beetroot and swedes in my ‘cushion’ boxes.  It is easy to store them and very convenient to pop outside to get something to prepare for dinner.  I lift the vegetables and twist off the tops and then put them into a wooden box on top of a layer of compost (you can use sand for this too).  I make sure the vegetables aren’t touching and then I cover them with compost.  This way they store beautifully over the winter. Done in a very cold place though.
02 Oct 17 Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Probably best to just keep in the fridge.
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