Growing Pumpkin

Cucurbita sp. : Cucurbitaceae / the gourd family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
                  P P P

(Best months for growing Pumpkin in New Zealand - cool/mountain regions)

  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 20°C and 32°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 90 - 120 cm apart
  • Harvest in 15-20 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Sweet Corn
  • Avoid growing close to: Potatoes

Your comments and tips

29 Jan 17, Gabriella Hont (Australia - temperate climate)
What is the best way to water pumpkin plants? Do you water near the original base or do they grow roots elsewhere?
04 Feb 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
The best way to water pumpkins is at the roots as overhead watering will encourage mildew development. And, yes they do send down roots from the running stems so if you can trickle water them it will definitely help. Trust this helps.
29 Jan 17, elizabeth starrett (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
December I noticed in my garden an unusual plant growing from kitchen compost . Now at the end of January it has spread over the lawn, someone said it was a pumpkin, I can identify many fruit forming, like a glob shape with yellow flower,, and long stems with yellow flowers the fruit is a light green color.How can I know at this stage, it a pumpkin, and not a weed. thanks
04 Feb 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
It is fairly likely to be a pumpkin from discarded kitchen scraps. It could also be a melon, cucumber or sqush if youu have eaten them. The flowers with the long stems are the male flowers which will pollinate the flowers with the round 'glob' on them. Compost grown pumpkins usuall thrive so it sounds like a bonus! Trust this helps.
26 Jan 17, cheryl thomas (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Hi there,I have planted jap pumpkin seedlings.I also have butternut growing but the jap hasn't flowered like the butternut.Both lots of seedlings were planted at the same time.I have zucchini growing next to the jap.Can yiu suggest any solution.Thanks Cheryl Thomas.
29 Jan 17, (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Pinch out the ends of the vines
21 Jan 17, Joanne (Australia - temperate climate)
My pumpkins are just forming "tenis ball size" with only 30days or less until it gets cold. I have planted late, November late but it's not made much difference to zucchini & cucumber but I'm hoping for mature pumpkins in 80days. Has anyone else had mature pumpkins by then?
26 Jan 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
Depending where you live you would normally get warm weather into Mid-March. If the pumpkins aren't ripe by then make pumpkin soup and freeze the excess or grate them into zucchini recipe quantities and freeze them in stead of zucchini. Sorry I can't help more.
18 Jan 17, Ray (New Zealand - cool/mountain climate)
Is late January too late to plant pumpkin in Tauranga?
03 Feb 17, Steve (New Zealand - cool/mountain climate)
A year or so ago I was up that way from Christchurch for a holiday it was April, we saw heaps of people growing pumpkins so I would say go for it but keep them well watered as they like lots of water. And harvest when the first frost hits. Foot Note: I would start them of in seed trays first, in a glasshouse if you have one but not always necessary. If you where down here I would say no?
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