Growing Pumpkin

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08 Sep 17 Renae (Australia - tropical climate)
My son and I planted two pumpkin seeds, I have harvested about 8 pumpkins all Kent's and they are getting bigger and bigger. For some reason we seem to have a butternut shaped pumpkin that has the coloring and pattern of a Kent. Could it be a crossbreed? How early is too early to pick them? I've had to throw a few unripened ones away not knowing.
10 Sep 17 Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Look how long it states to grow them and don't pick before then. The plant vines will start to die off. Best to grow into the winter months - they will mature slower and you will be able to store them longer. Read the notes here and on the internet.
10 Sep 17 Bru (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi, I grow butternuts fairly successfully, usually sowing seed from late September. Last years crop took a good 6 months (early April) before i could harvest (i can usually harvest way earlier than this). My suggestion is to give them at least 5 months from sowing, but keep an eye on the vine, once that starts dying off your pumpkins should be ready to harvest.
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