Growing Potato

Solanum tuberosum : Solanaceae / the nightshade family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
P                 P P P

(Best months for growing Potato in New Zealand - cool/mountain regions)

  • P = Plant seed potatoes
  • Plant tuber. Best planted at soil temperatures between 50°F and 86°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 12 - 16 inches apart
  • Harvest in 15-20 weeks. Dig carefully, avoid damaging the potatoes.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Peas, Beans, Brassicas, Sweetcorn, Broad Beans, Nasturtiums, Marigolds
  • Avoid growing close to: Cucumber, Pumpkin, Sunflowers, Tomatoes, Rosemary

Your comments and tips

23 Jan 18, yabbay hahn , epping nsw, (Australia - temperate climate)
in my little plot, soil is clay, hard as rock,,SEP2017 turnd it over 10cm, coverd it with lawn cuttings, from old compost, waterd it daily 1 week, turned soil over again,coverd patch ,,1 inch of cuttings,, layd old potatoes on the surface, coverd them with a few inches of grass cuttings, a quick water in morning, and at sunset, just enough to wet the grass cuttings,.. each week, or when ever I mow lawn, the cuttings go on the patch, .the foliage is large, beautiful flowers, have been picking since dec,, its a personal choice, I love them just bigger than a golf ball, , wait for a hot dry day,, let them lay in sun all day, bring them in before night,
23 Jan 18, Clark (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
I have had potatoes in the garden for a few years now. They just seem to be growing wild in the garden. Actually they are running amok. I was just thinking of turning the crop over and starting again with manure and mulch. Should I actually dig all the crop up and replant in an organized fashion or is it OK to just plant and harvest and enjoy nearly all year round.
26 Jan 18, Mike (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Only you can decide that. Potatoes grow then the plant dies - why don't you dig the potatoes up then - that is the normal practice..
21 Jan 18, Lorna Findlay (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
I would like to grow potatoes in bags and i dont know if its too late in Bombala nsw? Its late january
22 Jan 18, Mike (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
By this website you are a little late. Give it a go and see what happens.
11 Jan 18, Kaye (Australia - tropical climate)
We live in Townsville and are wondering if we can grow potatoes here and if so when is the best time to plant them and also are they best grown in the ground or pots??
17 Jan 18, Mike (Australia - tropical climate)
It suggests planting April/May here. I would suggest after the chance of cyclones - heavy rain. Plant in a raised ground so that the soil drains freely. You want the soil to be wettish but not water logged. Easier to care for when in the soil. In a pot you would have to be on the ball with the watering.
09 Jan 18, Michelle Whyte (Australia - temperate climate)
Going to plant potatoes in the pig paddock ( when the pigs have gone ) will their manure be too strong and can we put in old dried animal manure with them. We are down near the sea in the lower south east of SA. We have a red/black loam soil. When should we start planting?? Thank you
10 Jan 18, Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
It would depend on how freshish the manure is in the soil after you take the pig/s out. Fresh manure has nitrogen - old dried out manure has very little. Old manure is more a soil conditioner. If you had looked at the guide here for growing potatoes - temperate climate - Plant Aug to Oct. You may be able to grow a crop from April/May. Read up about growing them.
17 Dec 17, Kym (Australia - temperate climate)
I live in a very cool part of the Barossa Valley where the growing cycle is out by 4 weeks so what would be the best time for me to grow tatties?
Showing 301 - 310 of 830 comments

The handbook-which I provided the location to in my prior reply is not very beginner'ish but it is comprehensive covering issues you may never encounter- but you do need the reference material. I have a few thoughts to add. 1. Hilling up while the plant is growing-if you are covering leaves I find this fundamentally wrong. Leaves are specialized and designed to collect light, they are not roots. So I opt to plant my seed potatoes deep enough on day one- however I tend to have the luxury of very well airated, light soil. This means the seed potato has a steady air supply and can sense the heat from the sun even at deeper depths 2. Your seedpotatoes need all their potassium Immediately. Potatoes strangely take up all their potassium that they need really early. -and don't uptake more. If there is not enough potassium in the very early stages your potatoes might have hollow heart (looks like hollow rotting middles). Late application of potassium tends to be useless 3. Potatoes seem to respond really well to the addition of microryzal fungi - in my area we source that under pine trees in a forest- we just take some forest floor duff with a dust pan and add to the potatoe planting soil. To sum up - your seed Potatoes should be about the size of chicken eggs (if larger cut up ensuring an eye on each piece and allow a few days to heal/scab up before planting). You need to chit them(make them sprout-place in dark so they sprout). Plant in soil with Compost, a sorce of potassium and microryzal fungi. If for some reason you cannot source any compost/pottasium/microryzal fungi -plant anyhow potatoes are tough -there is still a good chance they will be Okay -depends on the condition of you soil. In my area I can water deeply once per week. Harvest when about half the leaves have fallen over as if to die. If you harvest sooner you may be compromising on size-because as long as those leaves can collect light they can store the energy in the tubers. Good luck - it is so much easier than it sounds- and all those diseases in the handbook are rare and if the plants are strong (well fed) they can manage just fine, potaoes are pretty tough root crop. In other words- you can grow potatoe.

- Celeste Archer

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