Growing Marrow

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23 Apr 21 Jane (Australia - tropical climate)
Where can I get good old proper marrow seeds? I grew up with marrow but cannot find marrow anywhere. I'm told spaghetti marrow us marroa (it's not), and that marrow is just a big old overgrown zucchini (it's not).
24 Sep 21 Alan (Australia - temperate climate)
FYI. I purchased Mr.Fothergills Marrow seeds( long green bush 2). from a Bunnings store last week. I have used them before with satisfying results.
14 Jun 21 John Mauger (Australia - temperate climate)
Goodman's Seeds in Bairnsdale, Victoria sells marrow seeds. They would post you some.
28 Jun 21 Jane (Australia - tropical climate)
John, Thanks for yr suggestion. I contacted Goodman's but they made no reply. Twenty-years of searching now comes to an end. I'm just not meant to eat find and eat marrow. All the best.
26 Jun 21 Jane (Australia - tropical climate)
John (Mauger), Thank you so much!! I'll contact them. Best, Jane
28 Apr 21 Anonymous (Australia - temperate climate)
Search the net for seed selling companies and then ring them and ask. I know what you mean.
15 Jun 21 Jane (Australia - tropical climate)
Anonymous, Thanks for your suggestion. I grew up with real marrow. I've been searching for marrow for 20 years!. People have tried to sell many other products as 'marrow'. Humiliating. Thanks again. I'm through with red herrings.
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