Growing Lettuce

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25 Jan 14 Fran (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
I've planted a number of lettuce types and all have grown well, and we've had a few meals from them, until we hit a heat wave recently, 7 days of over 35 degree heat. Now, I've just found out that lettuce goes bitter or bolts in the heat, which is what all varieties have done. Is there anything I can do to save it, or should I just feed it to the chooks and try again?
23 Mar 15 Juanita (Australia - tropical climate)
I would save as many seeds out of your bolting lettuce then feed the rest to your chooks as once lettuce has bolted you can't save it, also when you next plant try using 7.5cm thick aged bagasse/ sugar cane mulch keeps your ground temperature cold enough to stop bolting, never use yard clipping and mulch out of your own compost unless you have a thermometer to ensure it has reached over 65 degrees this kills any nasties and stops the risk of disease in plants. Hope this helps
19 Jun 14 Glen (Australia - tropical climate)
Create a lettuce bed and create a partial shade using shade cloth, I prefer the beige on a roll back 1m above the bed and keep bed moist at all times during hot weather.......
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