Growing Kale, also Borecole

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02 May 17 Alice (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Aphids over wintering on any curly leaved kale. Last year I grew a lot of leafy greens, the kale Nero was a great success, however the others grew really well but were infested with wooly aphids seeking shelter I assume. I'm not into chemical sprays, and getting the spray in all the curly leaves seems too time consuming, I can wash them off but it's almost pointless with the numbers per leaf. Have others found this? What can I try that's not too much of a hassle as I have a young family and don't really want to go out spraying with garlic spray for example after each time it rains.
25 Jan 18 Wihiria Mark (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Hi, An organic gardener told me that broken egg shells keep any crawly grub away as they do not like the sharp edges of the egg. Good way to use egg shells as well. I found it did work with cabbage, cauliflower, hope this is useful to you as well.
22 May 17 hornz (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
try companion planting with spring onions, shallots &/or garlic
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