Growing Jerusalem Artichokes, also Sunchoke

View the Jerusalem Artichokes page

07 Dec 17 Leanne (Australia - temperate climate)
I live in wa and found some shriveled up chokes at my local iga. I planted them and thought they had died but eventually they popped up and grew. I planted out all the tubers the next year and kept expanding my crop.That was 3 years ago. This year I have planted close to 200 tubers and gave away many more. They grow well here, just need to keep them watered in summer and you will be rewarded. To store them I layer the chokes with coarse sand in a bucket with a lid and give them a spray of water if the sand gets really dry. I am happy to share them if you live in perth.
05 Feb 18 Chi (Australia - arid climate)
Hi Leanne. Thank you very much for your information. What would be the best time to plant them in Perth. Can you give me some tubes? - Chi
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