Growing Eggplant, also Aubergine

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17 Jan 17 maximus111 (Australia - temperate climate)
I am growing eggplant again this year after a successful season last year. This year, I seem to be having a problem, some, though not all of the leaves are browning and curling, like they are dying which i suppose they are. I have no memory of this occurring last time. The fruit itself is fine, no problems at all. There is no overcrowding as there is only the one plant in the above ground bed, allowing it to take as much space as is needed. On occasion we give it powerfeed with seassol and sometimes osmacote vegetable granules. We have a watering system that is placed at the base of the plant as we discovered last year they're not too keen on being sprayed so much from above and get watered in the morning for 10 mins and 15 mins in the late afternoon. Does anyone have any idea as to what is wrong with my plant and what I need to do ?
18 Jan 17 Jane (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I have tyhe sam problem here in SE qld. I would love ideas from others about dying eggplant. THanks.
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