Growing Eggplant, also Aubergine

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02 Feb 09 Andris (Australia - temperate climate)
To answer Kelvin: Yes, just like you do for tomatoes, and for the same reasons (pinch out the shoots between the main stems and the leaf stems to focus more energy on the fruit). To answer Rachel: Check what the mature size is (Black beauty, the most common one, grows to around 16cm) and pick a bit before that size when the skin should be firm, dark and shiny. They tend to be nicer a bit before full maturity. I am in adelaide and even with the intense (Intense!) weather (my citrus plants all have a fair few fried leaves), the eggplants can generally take it. A few flowers have died and dropped off (but lots more flowers coming up), but keep hitting them with heaps of water and they will be fine.
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