Growing Coriander, also Cilantro, Chinese parsley

View the Coriander page

16 Jan 20 Roger Davidon (Australia - temperate climate)
Various attempts to grow coriander in pots in Adelaide to no avail, could you please advise on growing conditions, watering, soil type and prep, fertiliser etc. Thank you very much
07 Mar 22 Craig (Australia - temperate climate)
Goolwa can plant in pots as the temperature of summer cools in right now...(march 2022)....they will grow for ages from now before going to seed..they seem to love the temperatures cooling down..but plant enough because you will only get a short growing period if planted in September because as the days begin to heat up again they will bolt to seed quickly...keep them moist and use some thrive soluble fertiliser when watering occasionally to keep them at their best....I use potting mix and compost and some neutrog rapid raiser as they love food....this year i tried to grow some in summer in pots in between rainwater tanks to keep them cool but they bolted to seed quickly even though it wasnt a hot summer here
24 Jan 20 colleen (USA - Zone 10b climate)
I never had any luck with this plant until I ignored recommendations to grow in sun. Once I grew in partial shade, it flourished and stopped bolting. It only likes full sun in cool weather. Also snails love it so I raise my pots off the ground.
17 Jan 20 Anon (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Read the notes here, I suggest you use seedlings. Good friable sandy loam soil, not sand not clay. A light fertilising and my suggestion don't grow it in pots. If in pots PAY attention to it ever day.
16 Jun 20 Chris (Australia - temperate climate)
I say do NOT start with seedlings. That is one of the biggest mistakes you can make with coriander. Transplanting shock often causes them to bolt to seed. Sow seed directly where it is to grow. Partial shade often helps in hotter climates. ( It says that here -
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