Growing Coriander, also Cilantro, Chinese parsley

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31 Dec 15 sandra (Australia - temperate climate)
Help please I live in Brisbane and anyones whoes been here in Summer knows its pretty hot and humid. I desperately want to know how Ii can grow corriander in these conditions without it going to seed. Can I grow it in side in a pot? Please advise
14 Feb 17 The Delectable Garden (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Hi Sandra I've done the move like you and no-one tells you what a huge difference there is going to be in your gardening, both what you can grow and when! The short answer is you cannot grow coriander in summer in Brisbane! It will almsot always bolt straight to seed or die as soon as you plant seedlings. You could try sowing some seeds in a pot and grow it indoors. Personally I haven't found this terribly successful. You can get the perenial coriander, but I'm not a fan. If you want to use this, my tip is to put in big chunks of leaves so that you can get the coriander flavour but remove the unpalatable leaves before serving! The other option (for next year) is to freeze coriander in several ziplock bags when it is growing in winter/spring and use these in curries etc in summer. Not good if you want fresh coriander. For this you will have to try the organic markets during summer. Rohanne, The Delectable Garden
02 Jan 16 tastyvish (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Coriander is easy to grow, particularly in moderately hot climate.It can be grown easily in pot near window seal.Picking regularly will prevent the plant from going to seed like basil.
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