Growing Coriander, also Cilantro, Chinese parsley

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18 Oct 13 Tejinder (Canada - Zone 7b Mild Temperate climate)
Coriender is excellent for flavour. My wife loves so I grow it in my garden to keep her smiling. This year in mid September it stated giving seed. I did not uproot them. let them grow and mature seed. On the other side i seed coriender from my previous seed stock, it was. excellent germination. plants were growing very well. I was aware that October will be harsh. My tomato plants were the first to shed leaves. Fruits were rottenning . I took old hose pipe and cut them in 5 feet pieces. To give strength to the soft pipe I inserted bamboos sticks in them and then made the hoops over the crop. I covered the rows of coriander with pipe hoops and plastic sheets of painter. I could able to save and survive my coriender tender plants. I measured temp of in and out on very sunny day. It was 29oc inside and it was 22oc out. I told my daughter my plants are burning inside i must ventilate. I opened the ends of hoop also lifted sides of plastic. My question is when to ventilate, how often, what should be the thickness of plastic sheet.Is thickness is important. yes, I forgot. when my plants matured in september 15, I seeded the seed in soil to if they germinate or not My all seed germinated. so I concluded the coriender seeds does not have any dormant or dormancy period before sowing.
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