Growing Coriander, also Cilantro, Chinese parsley

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26 Aug 09 Rama (Australia - temperate climate)
I live in Melbourne. I put seeds some time in March April. It needs to be above 20 C for a few days for it to germinate. Then it gets cold here in Melbourne. After about 3-4 weeks, I start picking leaves only. Then in about 10-15 days, it is ready to pick. This goes on till it warms up in October/November. I get plentiful supply of fresh coriander all through April to October/November. I need rarely water, is it is cold enough. Also I plant in shade (of the fence), and it does not seem to matter much. I just buy the cooking coriander seeds available in Indian Grocery store (500 grams costs a few dollars) and use it as seed. What I find is that the leaves from this coriander has a lot more flavour - When I pick with bare hands, the smell does not go even after a casual wash with soap! I have been doing this for the last decade. Right now I have coriander planted at three spots - a total of about 2 sq metres.
18 Apr 12 Paul (Australia - temperate climate)
That's the way I buy coriander seed at Asian grocery store's, mega value. You also have enough so you can have a split in growth and supply ready all the time.
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