Growing Collards, also Collard greens, Borekale

Brassica sp. : Brassicaceae / the mustard or cabbage family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
S S                    
    T T                

(Best months for growing Collards in New Zealand - cool/mountain regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • Easy to grow. Grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 8°C and 30°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 40 - 50 cm apart
  • Harvest in 8-11 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Dwarf (bush) beans, beets, celery, cucumber, onions, marigold, nasturtium, rhubarb, aromatic herbs (sage, dill, chamomile)
  • Avoid growing close to: Climbing (pole) beans, tomato, peppers (chili, capsicum), eggplant (aubergine), strawberry, mustard

Your comments and tips

09 Mar 22, (Canada - zone 4a Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Keep a close eye on them and tell us what happens. Bst to plant when the moths aren't about, when there is little rain for insects and bugs to breed.
13 Dec 21, arthur (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Where can I buy Collard Green Champion in Johannesburg
05 May 21, Rolanda (USA - Zone 9b climate)
My collard seeds did germinate but they aren't growing beyond the first set of leaves. What his happening?
06 May 21, Anonymous (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Are you planting at the right time? How fertile is your soil. Fertiliser, watering and full sunlight are required.
21 Feb 21, Benny Anthony (New Zealand - temperate climate)
I live in West Auckland New Zealand and would like to know where I can find collard greens?
28 Feb 21, Jess (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Hi Benny, try ' King seeds '. That's where I got mine. Best of luck
23 Feb 21, Anonymous (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
Try seed selling companies on the net.
05 Feb 21, Jess (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
Hi, what can I plant with my collards to deter small white flys that seem to be All over the underside of my collards?
20 Apr 23, Alison (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Pyrethrum might work
08 Feb 21, Anonymous (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
Look up the internet for an organic spray.
Showing 21 - 30 of 106 comments

I plant my collards in September here in Montgomery Alabama should I be planting them at a different time? I do very well with them the late summer and early fall. I was not aware that they come back I always pull the plant and put them in a compost. Should I be doing that?

- Dana Bennett

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