Growing Collards, also Collard greens, Borekale

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13 Nov 10 Barb (Australia - temperate climate)
I am new to all this. What are collard greens?
14 Nov 10 Sri (Australia - temperate climate)
Collard is commonly known as kale and they come from the brassica family which is cabbage,broccoli,brussel sprouts etc... Most kale is ornamental and not for eating but i have seen the edible type sold in punnets at nurseries but i have to say i have not seen them for a long time.
29 Nov 10 Marina (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
"Most kale is ornamental and not for eating but i have seen the edible type sold in punnets at nurseries but i have to say i have not seen them for a long time." Is this true? Ornamental? I've got curly leafed Kale and I use it in my green smoothies. Should I be worried?
02 Dec 10 TB (Australia - temperate climate)
No, curly kale is a vegetable. I think it would be hard to mistake ornamental kale seedlings for edible kale, not least because they would be found in different sections of the garden centre! There are a number of different kinds of edible kale, more often sold as seed than as seedlings, and not that often seen at mainstream nurseries/seed suppliers.
02 Dec 10 Chris (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Ornamental kales are quite safe, but don't taste as nice as the culinary types. Curly leafed kale is a culinary variety and tastes fine. I got seeds from Eden seeds.
05 Dec 10 Sri (Australia - temperate climate)
Also to clarify ornamental does not mean poisonous it just means its not the best suited to consuming. Also ornamental Kale is regularly found in amongst the vegetable seedlings in plant nurseries because most of the staff who place the seedlings dont know any different.
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