Growing Carrot

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08 Jun 17 Shane Cave (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Nematodes are ruining my carrots, what can I do?
09 Jun 17 John (Australia - temperate climate)
Short of sterilising the soil (not recommended) you have a number of options. Crop rotation is you first option; by doing this you will be breaking the cycle of these pests. Plant nematode-resistant varieties; this is not so easy as seed will probably only be available from commercial seed companies. Plant marigolds in the season before your carrots: the pungent smelling marigold roots give off a substance that will deter nematodes. In some South-East Asian countries villagers do this to protect their vegetables, linking the gold flower to Buddha who is said to be protecting their crops. Trust this helps/
09 Oct 17 Leigh (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
My aunty swore by growing carrots in sand, I tried it by pouring sand into the hole at planting time, I didn't have any problems( it could have been beginers luck, am trying again this year in a different spot in the garden). That said I don't know if this was to deter nematodes or carrot rustfly/ or eelworms. Good luck
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