Growing Carrot

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04 Dec 15 Ethan (Australia - temperate climate)
Can you also plant them from carrot tops from carrots in the supermarket?
16 Jan 16 Joanne (Australia - temperate climate)
Yes & usually quite easily. Bear in mind though, that supermarket produce varieties are developed & adapted by industry to suit their needs & to overcome the mass production issues of farmers (who are often in other parts of the continent). They are therefore not necessarily going to be as well-suited to you as a variety that you can actually access info about, & can determine if it matches your garden's needs. That said, I often regrow things like spring onions from the supermarket too, rather than throw them away, as that seems quite wasteful to me too.
17 Dec 15 Paul (Australia - arid climate)
Of course you can! You won't get a carrot root but keeping it in a tray of water will let it develop a flower stalk from which you can collect seed true to type. Why would you throw away free seed? Same applies to celery and beetroot!!!
15 Dec 15 Paul (Australia - arid climate)
Growing carrots from the tops leftover after cooking the roots will get you a lovely plant from which, if placed in a tray of water, a flowerhead and resulting seeds.Collect them to grow on all year round!
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