Growing Carrot

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23 Nov 15 Michelle (Australia - temperate climate)
I have grown carrots successfully for years, using either purchased seed, or some I have saved myself. I usually plant just after the shortest day of the year and find that they will stay in the ground, growing happily for a year (or just over). This year however, they all seem to have bolted to seed. I used saved seed, and planted just two days before the shortest day - didn't check the calendar properly. I can't work out why this has happened. Can anyone help with an answer?
29 Nov 15 Garden of Earthy Treasures (Australia - arid climate)
There were a few days of very hot weather in October which has made my uncovered carrots go straight to seed but the ones growing with some cover and next to a water tank (cool thermal source) are forming nice roots, no flower heads on any of them. Secret to successfull carrot growing? Grandad said always plant your root crops 14 days apart all year round, that way you avoid famine/feast issues and you have a rolling crop of baby/mature carrots with only some going to flower.
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